What to Expect
3 Simple yet Effective Steps to Treatment

Step 1: Consultation
The first step is getting to know you and your child. Prior to the visit, you will be asked to complete a tongue and lip-tie questionnaire, which will assess for any potential symptoms. At the visit, we will:
Review symptoms and how they may relate to ties
Perform an examination and make a diagnosis
Review the treatment process and after-care
Provide time for questions and answers
We know sometimes every day can make a difference, so we're always prepared to provide same-day treatment for infants
Step 2: Treatment
Infants are placed in a fresh swaddle and all patients are given protective eyewear. Gentle laser release of the tethered oral tissues (TOTs) is performed, generally taking under a minute for infants and young children. Before and after photos are taken, which are reviewed with the parents after treatment.

Step 3: Recovery
After treatment is completed, your child is brought back to you. Post-operative stretches are briefly demonstrated, and mothers are then encouraged to breastfeed their infants in the privacy of the consultation room. Older children get a prize and are usually ready to go off and play right after!
2200 GAR Hwy, Ste 3a
Swansea, MA 02777
Office: 508-720-2121
Email: TongueTieCNE@gmail.com